"Women love men for their defects;
if men have enough of them women will
forgive them everything,
even their gigantic intellects."
~ Oscar Wilde
I don't know about you gals, but I get a little disturbed when men have more PMS than I do. And we're supposed to be the sex that's impossible to understand. Sigh.
You know, if men wouldn't keep insisting that they don't have feelings, they wouldn't have to come out in the form of moods. And while I can't say that I always (or ever for that matter) make my feelings plainly known...I don't change moods like my mother changes the colour of our living room. Which, by the way, is very often.
Anyway, I'm a patient kind of girl, but sometimes I can be gotten the better of. So, my new strategy is 'hands-off'. Talk to me when the oestrogen subsides.
Ahh men. I love them.
Men will always be boys once they have working toys. aka_lol
Men do have feelings but it's not socially acceptable for men to show their emotions in public and in private. To men, showing emotions has a Brokeback ring to it and that could be life threatening in the mind of the average male and especially in Jamaica.
So what is a guy to do when emotions are running high and there is no more space to accommodate new ones? Become a wimp? Hardly, because as much as women say they like a man who can show his feelings they don't want any serious competition in that area. The 10-second-wonder is 10 seconds of male emotional display and then wondering where that came from.
The question still remains; what are guys to do when women don't know what to do with them? Blog commenting seems to work for me, but if that fails, I seriously recommend an ego trip :)
What are guys to do when women don't know what to do with them?
Apparently they do everything else but care.
Men care all the time. They care if you say no. They care when you will say yes. They care about what's for dinner and if there is any beer in the house. They would even care about what you want them to care about if you shout at them nicely. Men have tonns of care packed all over their bodies and all that's needed is the care extraction tool and a woman who can apply the right amount of extreme force. I understand that women have a ball doing this care extraction.
I don't shout, or apply extreme force...unless I'm asked nicely. :)
I guess it's just my bad luck then that I can't get an ounce of concern without doing those things first? Hmm.
Sadly, care extraction has never been, and i suspect may never be, one of my fortes.
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