Lead me from the unreal to the real !
Lead me from darkness to light !
Lead me from death to immortality !
~ Brihad-aranyaka Upanishad, c. 800-400 BCE, 1.3.28
There isn't much in this life that's worth anything except human relationships. None of the things that 'matter' really matter unless there's someone, or some people to share them with. The dynamics of human relationships are very interesting. All we really have is our perception of reality, especially when it comes to interacting with other human beings. Reality, in human relationships, never matters. And if it doesn't matter, then it really doesn't exist.
I love my friends. They aren't many, but they say you're lucky if you can count your friends on one hand. I'm not really sure what makes people friends, but I think that it's communication that keeps those relationships alive where they do exist. There is no relationship where there's no real contact. I can be friends with my teddy bear in Trinidad if that were so. I think that it's just kind of unfortunate when you have friends that you can't talk to anymore. For whatever reason. This seems to be the general trend in my life these days. Out of the three I thought that I had...one remains alive. As for the other two, I don't know what to say. Maybe our lack of relationship is my fault, I don't know. What I do know is that if I'm the only one trying, then it might not be worth it. I don't think I'm expecting too much either. But again, maybe I'm wrong. I know there may be a lot going on that I'm unaware of, but I can only act and feel based on what I am aware of.
I'm probably being an emotional girl...but that's who I am. I can't apologize for that. I still love my friends. But unfortunately that love is based off what we used to be. If there is still friendship there...then it's surviving off the fumes of the past. That...fills me with sadness.
Maybe I'm getting all of this wrong. Maybe I cannot see what's going on in reality. But reality doesn't really exist. Only our perception of it.
There isn't much in this life that's worth anything except human relationships. None of the things that 'matter' really matter unless there's someone, or some people to share them with. That is an absolute truth.
I think the saying, or statement goes something like "We only exist in relationships." That means if those relationships are bad then we are toast. On the bright side, these relationships are not only the close ones, which are normally stretched, but the everyday interactions with people. We exist as humans because of humans.
We need friendships as much as, or even more than, family. That has always been my experience. Friendships, like jeans, can be outgrown and that is not necessarily a good or a bad thing; it all depends on how much we have grown and how much our friends have not; or the other way around. Life is constantly changing and much as we wish the good things of the past never go away, they sometimes do. That's just the way life is. Maybe a change in relationships is just another growing pain and growth could never be a bad thing.
maybe ur sadness shouldnt exist either ...
(that was me)
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